Category: International Affairs

Blair takes the blame for slavery, but not for Iraq

Tony Blair’s almost-apology on behalf of Britain for the slave trade, for which neither he nor other Brits alive today bear any responsibility, devalues the concept of ‘apology’ and exemplifies the ignorant and ahistorical application of modern ethical values to those of an earlier age when slavery had both legal and biblical approval. Better to tackle current slavery, practised in various parts of the world to this day [More >>>]

Extraordinary Rendition: Stephen Grey’s ‘Ghost Plane’ is a crime story with a message

Stephen Grey, principal exposer of Extraordinary Rendition, chronicles this criminal enterprise in a highly readable but chilling book, ‘Ghost Plane’. The moral: never trust even the most benign government with sweeping powers that will sooner or later be exploited and abused by a successor. [More >>>]