Ephems’ new look

Some Ephems readers have complained, always courteously, about the format and design of Ephems in their new home (here): “All those damned dots!”  And one pointed out that it was difficult as a result to print out individual Ephems.
I agreed with that.  So I have changed it.  No more dots;  and I hope the background colour doesn’t give offence.  The personal profile, list of recent ‘posts’ (entries) and the archive of each month’s contents, all clickable, now appear in some views at the bottom instead of the top, and in all views they are now on the right instead of the left, but that has no political significance whatever…   The hyperlinks to other websites or pages are not as easily identifiable as they might be, but if you hover the mouse pointer over them they change shape distinctively and all you then need to do to follow the link is to click on them.
If you want to print out a particular entry, the easiest way is to select the text you want to print (sweep the pointer over it while holding down the left mouse button), copy it (ctrl+C), and paste it into a new page in Word or any other word processor or text editor (ctrl+V).
Please tell me what you think.
Brian B.