You Couldn’t Make it up Department (6): Praise the Lord, and send a cheque NOW
The latest effort to pop through my letter-box in a longish line of begging letters from African countries, pretty well all obvious scams, comes from the rather novel Malawi address “Along Chikwawa Road, 1st Turn Left After Stella Maris Secondary School, Blantyre”, and concludes with a blissful example of bathos (the bold type emphasis is in the original):
“May the Lord grant you more blessings as you’re helping the people of Africa and You can send the funds direct into our Bank Account No. 01411111567890*, Henderson Street Branch, National Bank of Malawi.”
Of course, it could be genuine: it purports to come from a named ‘Centre for Children’ which needs £24,000 a year “to be run effectively” (don’t we all?). But you’d need an extremely trusting nature to believe it, sadly.
*[The number has been changed to protect the guilty.]