A new angle on House of Lords reform
Owen has suggested a novel and challenging alternative plan for a reformed House of Lords: a step too far, perhaps? More >>>
Owen has suggested a novel and challenging alternative plan for a reformed House of Lords: a step too far, perhaps? More >>>
Two key NYT articles throw an unforgiving and depressing light on where President George W Bush is taking the US (and us). More >>>
The British middle classes either squirm or sing along with Land of Hope and Glory on the last night of the Proms. Which of them…. [more >>>]
Demands for the resignation of the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, are culpably premature. We should all await the report of the independent inquiry.
What has prompted visits to this website from almost every country in the world – and then some? Intriguing.
Robin Cook, a true political heavy-weight, deserved most of the eulogies. But he was terribly wrong on Kosovo.
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Mr Blair’s plan to deport terrorism suspects to countries liable to torture them, and to pass new laws forcing the courts to uphold it and sabotaging their rights of appeal, is a constitutional monstrosity.
A Guardian columnist’s ill-judged strictures on a pop lyric, and an even worse-judged ‘of course’.