Come back, Keynes
Senator McCain and the Republicans over the water, and the Tories over here, bear-led (the appropriate term in present circumstances) by Cameron, a rather battered Osborne, and Hague, are demanding cuts in government spending...
Senator McCain and the Republicans over the water, and the Tories over here, bear-led (the appropriate term in present circumstances) by Cameron, a rather battered Osborne, and Hague, are demanding cuts in government spending...
One or two of Senator McCain's pronouncements on policy issues and other matters during the third and final debate raised some eyebrows. Healthcare: McCain berates Obama for his proposed compulsory universal healthcare programme, preferring...
Two things in particular struck me as I watched all 90-odd minutes of the second US presidential debate between Senators McCain and Obama, held last night in Tennessee and available now on the Web...
An unsent letter to the Times about mistaken government policy towards Russia and the Georgia conflict, reflecting a consensus among many former British diplomats whose views are scorned by Denis MacShane MP [More >>>]
A cogent article by Sir Ivor Roberts describes how western blunders over Kosovo undermine the case against Russia on Georgia and recommends engaging with Russia, not isolating it [More >>>]
“Richard T” has posted a fascinating comment on my “Kosovo-Georgia Connection” post of 21 August, speculating that the principal motive behind American wooing of Georgia and sponsorship of Georgia for NATO membership may be...
In writing about Kosovo and Georgia, I am handicapped by having no first-hand experience of the area, apart from having served in Moscow in the early 1970s, including a brief visit to Georgia during...
It's increasingly depressing to observe what appears to be a steadily widening gap between the reactions to the Georgia crisis in the US and those of liberal and other opinion in Europe, revealing fundamental...
Some lessons from western mistakes in its policies towards Russia, Georgia, secessionist movements, and spheres of influence [More >>>]
What does or should the Labour Party stand for? Some preliminary suggestions [More >>>]